Indian Ringneck Parakeet For Sale
Our Indian ring-necked Parakeets for sale are primarily green with a lighter underside, and their red ring adorns the back of their necks. They can be a bit more aggressive than other species of parakeets, as they are also known to bite. With this in mind, it is important to point that if you have other pets in your household, Indian ring-necked parakeets may not be the best choice. The Indian Ring-Neck Parakeet is affectionate, inquisitive, and lively. It is a lightweight bird but does not fly well. It is also playful and needs a lot of attention from its owner – it’s not for the inexperienced. An owner must provide plenty of toys to keep this parakeet busy and entertained.
Buy Indian Ringneck Parakeet Online
The Indian Ring-Neck is comfortable in small spaces such as an apartment but has high energy. This ring-necked parakeet will pair well with other cockatiels, or as a companion to another bird as long as both birds are from the same gender (no mixed-gender pairs). They enjoy being out of the cage and interacting with people. Indian ringnecks are sweet and engaging little parakeets. With vocally loud personalities, they’re not the shy, quiet types. They chatter continually and can also mimic your voice, so if you want a little friend who talks back to you, this is a good choice when buying from our parrot store!
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