Galah Cockatoo For Sale
The galah cockatoo parrot for sale is a stocky white cockatoo with salmon pink highlights. Like the other white cockatoos, it has a short crest. It often travels in flocks and mixes with other cockatoo species. Galahs may be seen in parks, around farm sheds and house roofs or feeding on lawns. Great for kids 3 years and older, the galah cockatoo is a great friend. It laughs when you tickle it, swings on its swing, and sings a song. Made of sturdy materials, your child can teach it to talk when he or she comes up with the right word.
Buy Galah Cockatoo Online
The galah you buy from us online is a small white cockatoo with pink forehead and cheek patches. It is named for its frequent call of “Gallah” or “Cully,” which sounds like the word “pretty.” The galah lives in Australia, ranging across most of Australia’s low- to medium-altitude inland areas. Galahs are very popular pets in aviculture, as they are affectionate and playful. Not considered talking birds, but will mimic familiar sounds. This amazing parrot is known for its gorgeous coloring. It is estimated that there are at least 5 million of these cockatoos living in Australia. This beautiful bird is easy to care for and makes a wonderful family pet. Don’t miss out on buying this parrot from our bird store.
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