Cinnamon Conure For Sale
The Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure is a special species of parrot that belongs to the psittacine and the Psittacidae family. This bird has a wide body size, small head, short tail, rounded wings, and long curved upper mandible. You may hear them calling out to you with a piercing chirp that can carry for miles. These unique birds are also called “Cinnamons.” They are very active and playful, and will bring you hours of enjoyment. Be ready for a fun and loud addition to your family! When young, they are mostly green, but as they mature their heads and tails darken to a cinnamon color. Full maturity can take anywhere from 6 months to two years. Affectionately referred to as “Chunk” for its robust size and chunky shape.
Buy Cinnamon Conure Online
The male cinnamon conures are often found to be colored differently than the female cinnamon conures with distinctive black markings on their wings. They are very delightful and playful parrots, though at times can show their sassy side when one is not careful to keep them entertained. The have no problems with people or other pets and will talk up to a moderate degree, so they learn to speak quickly. Green Cheek Conures stay relatively small, being about 10 inches at maturity. The average weight is 120-150 grams.
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